1.5 °C Compatibility Assessment of tools/initiatives
Description comments
What the assessment is meant to be used for
8. Reporting: Discloure activities is understood as being comparable to reporting on environmental data related to a user's solution source
Scope of assessment
8. Other: Reporting/reputation protection source
Stakeholder focus
5. Other: "Investors, companies, cities, states and regions" are stated as target groups source
Time horizon
1. now: The focus of the reporting/provision of data is based on current activities of users
5. Other: No assessments have been identified to be conducted by the company
5. N/A: No assessment approach identify
Assessment unit
5. Companies: Explicitly stated as a target user source
6. Cities: Explicitly stated as a target user source
7. Countries: Explicitly stated as a target user source
Solution areas
8. Other/not specific: No specific area has been identified
Process for verifying data
2. Open data: CDP manages a database of their own that is used for user services source
Data provided by
2. Own data base: Data is provided by CDP and presented on the website source
1.5 C Pathway Focus
5. N/A, unknown: No information related to how the company works in relation to 1.5C compitability or other specific pathhas been found, however likely to focus on scope 1-3 as it's mainly focused on existing companies/solutions
Scale of operations
13 b. Other indicator of scale: Number of countries/cities/other worked with: Various actors from 90 countries uses CDP disclourse services on an annual basis source
1.5 °C Compability Assessment comments
1. Help establish a dynamic solution perspective: No focus on establishing a solution agenda
6. Solutions have Synergies with other sustainability goals: CDP offers services in relation to managing risks and opportunities related to water and forestry
9. Focus on clustering of solutions (across existing sectors): The services provided by CDP is relevant for a wide range of actors, and could potentially be used a
1. Lock-in Potential from the solutions: No filter/method to avoid lock-in has been identified
5. Resource Intensive Solutions: No filter/method to avoid resource intesive solution has been identified
12. No focus on clustering of solutions: Active clustering has not been identified, but given their global reach, CDP could be potential source of clustering internationally (see opportunities)