CDP for small and medium-sized enterprises
1.5 °C Compatibility Assessment of tools/initiatives
Description comments
What the assessment is meant to be used for
2. Support solutions: The stated target of the framework is to provide guidelines for SMEs to measure their impact in a way that supports an initiative to reduce them
8. Reporting: Main focus
Scope of assessment
7. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus: Focus is on providing widely applicable instruction for measurement for emissions
Stakeholder focus
2. SMEs/Start-ups: Stated as main target
Assessment activities
1. Developing Principles (Offering high-level standards to begin to align stakholders: The framework provides general instructions and modules for how to measure the emissions related to an SME
Time horizon
1. now: No time frame has been identified, and some/all principles provided is likely to be relevant for future disclosure of company-related emissions
Solution areas
8. Other/not specific: Many of the reporting aspects of the framework is described generally. As such, it is assumed it can used by a wide range of solution providers
1.5 C Pathway Focus
5. N/A, unknown: Although disclosure of emissions is ambivalent to what type of company/solution is being assessed, it can be assumed that many businesses today are not compatible with pathway 1 (low-energy demand), and as such application of the methodology is most likely to fall within pathway 2-4
Scale of operations
5d. Other indicator of scale: Other: No information/data found
1.5 °C Compability Assessment comments
4. 1.5 °C Compatible: Measurement and understanding emissions is one potential tool towards 1.5 °C compatibility
7. + 1000 and/or > 10 Gigatonnes of potential solutions: Focus is on reduction of existing businesses, but use of this tool could lead to SMEs changing and/or developing solutions that provide significant avoided emissions
1. Lock-in Potential from the solutions: Likely a tool for resource intensive companies to show how they can decrease their emissions
3. Excluding Transformative (System) Solutions: Neither exclusion or focus on transformative solutions has been identified
6. Only Focus on Problems rather than Human Needs: Signifcant focus on reducing emissions in existing sectors
9. No filter to support sustainable solutions for an equitable world with 11 billion: As it is widely applicable, it can likely include solutions that do and don't pass the 11 billion filter