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1.5 °C Compatibility Assessment of tools/initiatives
Help establish a dynamic solution perspective
No identified
opportunity, N/A
opportunity (Value 1)
opportunity (Value 2)
opportunity (Value 4)
Quick and Easy Assessment
Identifying acceleration potential for solutions
1.5 °C Compatible
Need focus for 11 Billion with equity encouragement (Global south agenda)
Solutions have Synergies with other sustainability goals
No identified
opportunity, N/A
opportunity (Value 1)
opportunity (Value 2)
opportunity (Value 4)
+1000 and/or >10 Gigatonnes of potential solutions
Aligned with Mission Innovations Net-Zero Innovation Compatibility Initative
Focus on clustering of solutions (across existing sectors)
Lock-in Potential from the solutions
No identified
challenge, N/A
challenge (Value -4)
challenge (Value -2)
challenge (Value -1)
Supply and End-of-Pipe Focus
Excluding Transformative (System) Solutions
Only including technology innovations
Resource Intensive Solutions
Only Focus on Problems rather than Human Needs
Excluding other sustainability aspects (biodiversity and poverty)
No identified
challenge, N/A
challenge (Value -4)
challenge (Value -2)
challenge (Value -1)
No filter to support sustainable solutions for an equitable world with 11 billion
Limiting focus to existing/traditional sectors
Lack of implementation in global south/no focus on 11 Billion with equity encouragement
No focus on clustering of solutions
1.5 °C Compability Assessment comments

1. Help establish a dynamic solution perspective: Some focus on highlighting the positive aspects of low-carbons solution, however also gives room for high-carbon and resource intensive solution (as the main focus is financial, and to some extent environmental, sustainability
2. Quick and Easy Assessment: Main focus‍
3. Identifying acceleration potential for solutions: Given that the highest score is presented as solar energy, there is limited potential acceleration of solutions focused on human needs without significant change in focus
6. Solutions have Synergies with other sustainability goals: No significant focus identified
8. Aligned with Mission Innovations Net-Zero Innovation Compatibility Initative: Highlighting and transparently ranking/evaluating solutions (both "good" and "bad" examples) to some extent goes in line with Mission Innovation's NCI

1. Lock-in Potential from the solutions: Focus includes, at least to some extent, on assessing solutions that are guaranteed to not have a significant role in a sustainable world (e.g. coal infrastructure)
2. Supply and End-of-Pipe Focus: Examples given have a clear supply focus rather than focusing on, for example, consumption patterns
4. Only including technology innovations: All examples for each of the 'shades of green' given is technological solutions, however the methodology as a whole does not clearly exclude other types of solutions
5. Resource Intensive Solutions: The methodology could likely assess various types of solution, but the focus identified indicates resource intensive solutions like "substantially more efficient manufacturing of fossil fuel intensive materials" having a score that is in the middle of the ranking system used
6. Only Focus on Problems rather than Human Needs: Significant focus on reduction and efficiency rather than opportunity and providing solutions related to human needs
7. Excluding other sustainability aspects (biodiversity and poverty): Little to no focus identified, however it could likely be used to evaluate other sustainability aspects as it has few limitation stated
8. No filter to support sustainable solutions for an equitable world with 11 billion: No filter identified
9. Limiting focus to existing/traditional sectors: All examples are part of existing value chains
11. Lack of implementation in global south/no focus on 11 Billion with equity encouragement:
Not covered/mentioned
10. No focus on clustering of solutions
: Not covered/mentioned

1. What the assessment is meant to be used for
1. Identifying solutions
2. Support solutions
3. Strategic decisions
4. Increased positive impact
5. Investor information
6. Market/user information
7. PR/Branding/Offsetting
8. Reporting
9. Other
2. Scope of assessment
1. Avoided Emissions
2. 1.5C Compatibility
3. SDG compatibility
4. Sustainability for 11 Billion Citizens
5. Other compatibility (existential risks, etc)
6. Preselected categories of solutions
7. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus
8. Other
3. Stakeholder focus
1. Large companies
2. SMEs/Start-ups
3. Investors
4. Policy makers
5. Other
4. Assessment activities
1. Developing Principles (Offering high-level standards to begin to align stakholders)
2. Assessment & Internal reporting (Organizing common metrics & methodological guidelines)
3. Defining Targets (Defining strategies around specific impact goals, such as net-zero and 1.5C LED compatability)
4. Collecting and disclosing data (Advocating for and/or facilitating data transparency)
5. Standardizing evalualtion (Independent 3rd party evaluation based on publicly available data)
5. Time horizon
1. now
2. 2030
3. 2050
4. Other
6. Methodology
1. Individual LCA/assessment
2. Case studies
3. Macro assessment (solution belonging to specific area)
4. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus
5. Other
7. Approach
1. Reduce problems from existing sectors
2. Delivering new solutions to needs
3 .Could not determine
4. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus
5. N/A
1. Reduce problems from existing sectors
2. Delivering new solutions to needs
3 .Could not determine
4. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus
5. N/A
8. State of development
1. Early Beta
2. Working beta/Draft
3. Working (but limited users)
4. Fully working/Published
9. Process
1. Static (just an assessment)
2. Delta (made to help innovations/companies improve)
3. Dynamic (Explore new revenue streams and clusters)
4. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus
5. Other
1. Static (just an assessment)
2. Delta (made to help innovations/companies improve)
3. Dynamic (Explore new revenue streams and clusters)
4. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus
5. Other
10. Assessment unit
1. Individual technologies
2. Individual solutions (economic, leagal, etc)
3. Individual companies/start-ups
4. Clusters of companies/enablers
5. Companies
6. Cities
7. Countries
8. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus
9. Other
11. Solution categories
1. All possible solutions
2. Predetermined areas
3. Minimum level of avoided emission
4. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus
5. Other
12. Solution areas
1. Technical
2. Business models
3. Financial
4. Legal
5. PR/Communication
6. Policy/Governance
7. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus
8. Other/not specific
13. Process for verifying data
1. Third party
2. Open data
3. No process/nontransparent
4. Other
5. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus
6. Not clear/no info provided
14. Data provided by
1. Start-up/company
2. Own data base
3. Other
4. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus
5. Not clear/no info provided
1. Start-up/company
2. Own data base
3. Other
4. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus
5. Not clear/no info provided
15. 1.5 °C pathway focus
1. P1
1. P2
1. P3
1. P4
5. N/A, unknown
Scale of operations
1. Number of impact assessments
2. Total avoided emissions
3. Total number 1.5C compatible assessments
4. Number of users
5a. Other indicator of scale: Total revenue of supported organizations/companies
5 b. Other indicator of scale: Number of countries/ cities/ other worked with
5c. Other indicator of scale: Total amount of assets represented
5d. Other indicator of scale: Other
16a. Number of impact assessments
16b. Total avoided emissions
16c. Total number 1.5 °C compatible assessments
17. Organizations behind
Description comments

What the assessment is meant to be used for
5. Investor information: Focus is on assessing and linking environmental and financial sustainability for a given company source
6. Market/user information: Focus is on assessing and linking environmental and financial sustainability for a given company source

Scope of assessment
6. Preselected categories of solutions: As the assessment is based on a comparison between a company and preselected criteria/frameworks ( the Shades of Green methodology, EU Taxonomy, Nasdaq Green Equity Principles)

Stakeholder focus
3. Investors: The results of the assessments is generally targeted towards investors and other actors on the market related to finance/investing

Assessment activities
4. Collecting and disclosing data (Advocating for and/or facilitating data transparency): Provides information in relation to how viable an investment in a specific company is

Time horizon 
1. now: Although it is stated that the assessment is meant to help track transition over time, no specific timeframe has been identified.

1. Individual LCA/assessment: Assessments of individual companies

1. Reduce problems from existing sectors: Based on the 'shades of green' (i.e. levels of sustainability used as a metric/main results), the focus is on reducing emissions based on existing structures (e.g. an example of the most sustainable type of innovation are solar energy projects)

State of development 
4. Fully working/Published: Assessments can be offered within 6 weeks for companies selected

1. Static (just an assessment): Provide transparent data and investor information based on an existing companies focus

Assessment unit
3. Individual companies/start-ups: Identified as main focus

Solution categories
1. All possible solutions: No specific limitation in terms of what companies can be assessed has been identified

Solution areas
1. Technical: No explicit statement regarding solution area focus has been identified, but all examples provided in the source document focus on technical solutions

Process for verifying data
2. Open data: The information presented in the assessment results is related to the different frameworks/initiative that works as a baseline (i.e. Shades of Green methodology, EU Taxonomy, Nasdaq Green Equity Principles)

Data provided by 
1. Start-up/company: Description and data is provided by the assessed company

1.5 C Pathway Focus 
2. P2: Although there is nothing to indicate that P1 compatible innovations can be assessed, the interpreted limitation in the metric (the green shade) points towards a focus of significant focus on reduction on reduction from existing value chains
3. P3: Although there is nothing to indicate that P1 compatible innovations can be assessed, the interpreted limitation in the metric (the green shade) points towards a focus of significant focus on reduction on reduction from existing value chains

Scale of operations
5d. Other indicator of scale: Other: No information/data found

Initial categorisation done by Mission Innovation NCI
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This div contains the results from the opportunities, if they have significant, they need to be copied to the tags box in the CMS, same with challenges but inly significant ones. The value (significant-opportunity") needs to be changed to the name of th field ('Help establish a dynamic solution perspective' etc)
This div contains the results from the challenges, if they have significant, they need to be copied to the tags box in the CMS, same with opportunities but inly significant ones. The value (significant-challenge" etc.) needs to be changed to the name of th field ('Help establish a dynamic solution perspective' etc)