Climate impact forecast tool
1.5 °C Compatibility Assessment of tools/initiatives
Description comments
What the assessment is meant to be used for
5. Investor information : Focus of the tool is to identify assessments at an early stage to provide clear data for innovators and investors alike source
9. Other: Focus of the tool is to identify assessments at an early stage to provide clear data for innovators and investors alike source
Scope of assessment
5. Other compatibility (existential risks, etc): source
Stakeholder focus
5. Other: Target user is stated as innovators (understood as climate solution provider)
Time horizon
2. 2030: Main focus source
3. Macro assessment (solution belonging to specific area): As the tool assesses potential impact, the time scale depends on the implementation of the solution itself (i.e. when it can become operational and scaled)
5. Other: Focus on performing LCA assessments of individual solutions source
State of development
3. Working (but limited users),: As the tool is open for anyone to use, the approach depends on the nature of the individual solutions that are assessed.
In addition to the assessments, webinars and other coaching activities is offered to improve understanding and the transparency of the results source
Assessment unit
7. Countries: Assessment is focused on individual cases of a specific solution
Solution categories
5. Other: No demarcation in terms of solution types has been found
Process for verifying data
3. No process/nontransparent: The only demarcation identified is the following: "Impact Forecasts are used in a wide range of projects, products and services, across every sector. We distinguish three types of projects based on how they make climate impact.". This is understood as a categorisation of actor types rather than a limitation is what solution areas that can be assessed through the tool.
4. Other: Third party validation is done by an 'impact expert' source
5. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus: Makes use of the open access database IdeMat source
Data provided by
4. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus: The assessment is based on data provided by individual solution providers source
Scale of operations
3. Total number 1.5C compatible assessments: No focus on a specific pathway has been identified source
1.5 °C Compability Assessment comments