1.5 °C Compatibility Assessment of tools/initiatives
Description comments
What the assessment is meant to be used for
2. Support solutions: Potential for avoided emissions for existing solutions/technologies source
4. Increased positive impact: Potential for avoided emissions for existing solutions/technologies source
5. Investor information: Stated as a main driver for developing the tool source
7. PR/Branding/Offsetting: Stated as a main driver for developing the tool source
Scope of assessment
1. Avoided Emissions: Stated as main focus source
Stakeholder focus
1. Large companies: Focus is understood to be on individual private companies that actively work with climate solutions
Assessment activities
2. Assessment & Internal reporting (Organizing common metrics & methodological guidelines): Main focus is on conducting assessments of emissions potential for a given technology
Time horizon
4. Other: Depends on the technology/innovation assessed source
1. Individual LCA/assessment: The main service is individual assessments
1. Reduce problems from existing sectors:Assessment is based on existing solutions submitted to the tool
State of development
4. Fully working/Published: Complete assessments are offered as a service
4. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus: To a large extent ambivalent to the process of specific innovations
Assessment unit
1. Individual technologies: Provide assessments of individual technologies/solutions
3. Individual companies/start-ups: Generally focused on start-ups and individual companies/organisations
Solution categories
2. Predetermined areas: Main focus is on technologies rather than economic/legal/non-technological solutions
Process for verifying data
1. Third party: Main portion of data (geography, time, technology area, market information etc) is provided by user, while CRANE provide projections and emissions data based on that data
Data provided by
1. Start-up/company: Main portion of data (geography, time, technology area, market information etc) is provided by user, while CRANE provide projections and emissions data based on that data
1.5 C Pathway Focus
1. P1: As the tool is likely to assess a wide range of solutions, it is ambivalent to the 1.5C pathways
Scale of operations
1. Number of impact assessments: The results of CRANE assessments are publically available potential avoided emissions
5d. Other indicator of scale: Other: Prime Coalition, Rho Impact, Greenometry, Clean Energy Trust source
1.5 °C Compability Assessment comments