Drawdown Framework
1.5 °C Compatibility Assessment of tools/initiatives
Description comments
What the assessment is meant to be used for
2. Support solutions: Drawdown provides data for the potential for a group of solutions to highlight their potential impact between 2020-2050 source
Scope of assessment
1. Avoided Emissions: The 'Drawdown Solutions' presented through their website include multiple scenarios of potential reduced/sequestred CO2e emissions. source
Stakeholder focus
5. Other: No specific focus identified
Assessment activities
4. Collecting and disclosing data (Advocating for and/or facilitating data transparency): Identified as main focus
5. Standardizing evalualtion (Independent 3rd party evaluation based on publicly available data): Assessment of solution areas/sectors rather than individual actors
Time horizon
3. 2050: The data presented covers the years 2020-2050 source
3. Macro assessment (solution belonging to specific area): Drawdown solutions and their potential are listed as general solutions on a global scale rather than for that of a specific company or area (e.g. alternative cement, District Heating) source
1. Reduce problems from existing sectors: The list of solutions is a mix of well-established solutions (e.g. recycling, Nuclear power) and emerging solutions (e.g. Net-zero Buildings, Walkable cities)
2. Delivering new solutions to needs: The list of solutions is a mix of well-established solutions (e.g. recycling, Nuclear power) and emerging solutions (e.g. Net-zero Buildings, Walkable cities)
1. Static (just an assessment): The individual assessment for specific areas are focused on highlighting the potential of said area, rather than on how sub-solution related to that field can be improved/changed. It should however be noted that the assessments generally consider multiple scenarios and vantage points that are deemed to be plausible (see example of Alternative cement) source
Assessment unit
1. Individual technologies: Main focus is on providing data on specific types of technologies/solutions source
Solution categories
2. Predetermined areas: The Drawdown solutions are a list of already determined areas/solutions source
Solution areas
1. Technical: Drawdown has a largely technical focus
Process for verifying data
Data is generally provided by third party publications, see example of Bicycle Infrastructure source
Data provided by
2. Own data base: As drawdown does more general assessments, the data collection is done on a case-to-case basis, based on the sector/are assessed
1.5 C Pathway Focus
5. N/A, unknown: No specific pathway focus has been identified
Scale of operations
5d. Other indicator of scale: Other: No specific data related to the scale of operation has been found, however it is stated that "Cities, universities, corporations, philanthropies, policymakers, communities, educators, activists, and more turn to Project Drawdown as they look to advance effective climate action." source
1.5 °C Compability Assessment comments
2. Quick and Easy Assessment: Drawdown does not focus on assessments of individual actors