Global Reporting Initiative
1.5 °C Compatibility Assessment of tools/initiatives
Description comments
What the assessment is meant to be used for
4. Increased positive impact: While it does not seem like it's part of their core business, GRI have examples of supporting information spreading related to increased impact (e.g. improved data transparency for sustainability-related projects, supporting initiatives such as podcasts that discusses the SDGs and collaboration),
8. Reporting: The organization is mainly focused on various types of economic, environmental and other reporting services
Scope of assessment
8. Other: Offers a wide range of standards not only related sustainability, such as corruption, tax, HR to name a few.
Time horizon
1. now: Supports in assessing and reporting other company activities in relation to existing standards
3. Macro assessment (solution belonging to specific area): Support, training and other related services for individual customers with reporting needs
1. Reduce problems from existing sectors: Nothing has been found to indicate that the organization specifically pushes for new solutions, most likely to depend on the goal of individual users
State of development
4. fully working/Published: Established global organization that provides services to companies/organizations in 100+ countries
1. Static (just an assessment)XReporting services to provide transparency
Assessment unit
3. Individual companies/start-upsXUsers represents mutliple types of organizations such as businesses, labor organizations and policy makers,
5. CompaniesXUsers represents mutliple types of organizations such as businesses, labor organizations and policy makers
6. Cities: Users represents mutliple types of organizations such as businesses, labor organizations and policy makers
9. Other: Users represents mutliple types of organizations such as businesses, labor organizations and policy makers
Solution categories
4. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus: Does not work with solution providers specifically
Solution areas
8. Other/not specific: No info on focus areas has been identified
Process for verifying data
2.Open data: Provides and develops processes, language and other structures to enable report, and does not themselves conduct assessments
Data provided by
2. Own data base: As a provider of reporting standards, the data is most likely provided my individual users
1.5 C Pathway Focus
4. P4: As GRI provides tailored reporting services, it is most likely ambivalent to focus on specific pathways, and relies on the focus of its users.
Scale of operations
5d. Other indicator of scale: Other: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australia, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Switzerland, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Sweden, UK International Climate Finance - UK PACT Green Recovery Challenge Fund, United Kingdom
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This document scan has been made with the Climate Innovation Assessment tool
1.5 °C Compability Assessment comments
1. Help establish a dynamic solution perspective : No focus on providing or supporting solutions
2. Quick and Easy Assessment: No focus on conducting assessments
3. Identifying acceleration potential for solutions: No identified goal/activity related to supporting or accelerating solutions
7. + 1000 and/or > 10 Gigatonnes of potential solutions: No focus on calculating or measuring impact of solutions
8. Aligned with Mission Innovations Net-Zero Innovation Compatibility Initative: Accurate reporting of certain business aspects as well as transparency are both important increasing understanding of solutions, but the impact is limited if this is the only activity
9. Focus on clustering of solutions (across existing sectors): No clustering activity identified
1. Lock-in Potential from the solutions: No focus on providing or supporting solutions
2. Supply and End-of-Pipe Focus: No clear filtering of users to avoid supply and end-of-pipe focus
3. Excluding Transformative (System) Solutions: The reporting activity is likely as relevant for transformative solutions as for incremental solutions.
4. Only including technology innovations: As the reporting that GRI offers is understood to be flexible in what it entails, it likely has relevance for various types of companies and actors
5. Resource Intensive Solutions: No filter for avoiding resource intentive solutions has been identified