1.5 °C Compatibility Assessment of tools/initiatives
Description comments
What the assessment is meant to be used for
1. Identifying solutions: iClima are looking for actors that seeks to generate real change and decarbonization on a systemic level source
Scope of assessment
1. Avoided Emissions: Core focus of iClima data set source
6. Preselected categories of solutions: Core focus of iClima data set source
Stakeholder focus
5. Other: No specific stakeholder type has been identified. Can likely be relevant for all types depending on their specific activity
Time horizon
3. 2050: Three pathways has been identified that have potential to provide significant greenhouse gas reductions through 2050 source
1. Individual LCA/assessment: Users can directly license an iClima index or get assistance with creating specialised products or acounts according to predetermined themes source
2. Delivering new solutions to needs: Clear focus on providing/supporting solutions and companies that provide avoided emissions and systemic change sourc
3. Dynamic (Explore new revenue streams and clusters): The aim of iClima is to move away from business as usual and shift focus away from 'doing less harm' source
Assessment unit
5. Companies: Main target is companies and organizations that share the vision of iClima source
Solution categories
1. All possible solutions: The indices offered covers areas related to energy, decarbonisation, climate change and circular and shared economy source
Solution areas
1. Technical: Such as focus on renewable energy and energy storage source
2. Business models: E.g. index for circular and shared economy and early stage climate change solutions source
3. Financial: E.g. index for circular and shared economy source
6. Policy/Governance: Such as an index for climate change adaption source
Process for verifying data
iClima shares and hosts third party sources and information to
Scale of operations
1. Number of impact assessments: The theory of change of iClima is based on a Net-zero pathways that contribute 1600 GtCO2e in GHG reductions through 2050 source
1.5 °C Compability Assessment comments
8. Aligned with Mission Innovations Net-Zero Innovation Compatibility Initative: No clear focus on human needs
4. Only including technology innovations: Large focus on energy and decarbonisation, some focus on circular economy