Impact Nexus
1.5 °C Compatibility Assessment of tools/initiatives
Description comments
What the assessment is meant to be used for
6. Market/user information : Provides insight into organizations that manage multiple companies/organizations source
9. Other: The solution is primarily used by financial actors source
Scope of assessment
2. 1.5C Compatibility : Reporting is an outspoken purpose of the tool source
Stakeholder focus
3. Investors: Focus is on providing support for management of solutions, including revenues to improve as well as identifying risks source
5. Other: As the focus is on managing portfolio, it is assumed that it is mostly relevant for established companies
Time horizon
2. 2030: More specifically provide internal data transparency and understanding
Providing insight into the current portfolio in relation to improving and managing risk over time source
3. Could not determine: The solution provides means to understand regulatory risks over time as well as the total impact of a specified portfolio source
State of development
3. Working (but limited users),: The approach largely depends on the focus of individual users and their portfolio source
Assessment unit
8. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus: Analysis of portfolios of companies rather than individual actors source
Solution categories
5. Other: No specific type of solution focus has been identified source
Process for verifying data
3. No process/nontransparent: As the focus is to help manage solution portfolios, it is the understanding of the assessor that there is no specific limitation to what solution areas can be included
Data provided by
1. Start-up/company: No verification process has been identified
Scale of operations
5b. Other indicator of scale: Number of countries/cities/other worked with: The organization has expressed a goal of reducing the effort related to sustainability for millions of companies source
1.5 °C Compability Assessment comments