1.5 °C Compatibility Assessment of tools/initiatives
Description comments
What the assessment is meant to be used for
5. Investor information: The aim is to provide clarity and comparability between investing options source
6. Market/user information: The aim is to provide clarity and comparability between investing options source
Scope of assessment
8. Other: No specified type of assessment methodology or focus has been identified
Stakeholder focus
3. Investors: Stated as target user source
Assessment activities
4. Collecting and disclosing data (Advocating for and/or facilitating data transparency): Stated as focus source
Time horizon
1. now: As the focus is largely on investing in solutions, the focus is on a shorter time frame source
5. Other: Providing input data for improved comparison and clarity source
1. Reduce problems from existing sectors: As reduction/transformation has not been identified as a metric for what solutions are analysed,it is likely a mix of investing in improvements investing in emerging techonologies/solutions
2. Delivering new solutions to needs: As reduction/transformation has not been identified as a metric for what solutions are analysed,it is likely a mix of investing in improvements investing in emerging techonologies/solutions
State of development
4. Fully working/Published: Fully functioning analysis tool source
1. Static (just an assessment): Focus on data and comparison between existing solutions and revenue streams source
2. Delta (made to help innovations/companies improve): Focus on data and comparison between existing solutions and revenue streams source
Assessment unit
9. Other: Likely to cover many if not all types of assessment units
Solution categories
1. All possible solutions : No specified area of focus for solution types has been identified
Solution areas
8. Other/not specific: No info on focus areas has been identified
Process for verifying data
1. Third party: Data used by IRIS+ is publically available and reported on through their website and other channels source
Data provided by
2. Own data base: The data is a mix of research, user-provided data and input from various other organisations source
1.5 C Pathway Focus
5. N/A, unknown: Considering that a main focus is 'Environmental and social impact', it is challenging to link the activities as a whole to a specific pathway. Likely to support a range of solutions that synergises with all four pathways
Scale of operations
5c. Other indicator of scale: Total amount of assets represented: Number of registred users: >28000 source
5d. Other indicator of scale: Other: A large range of organisations, please refer to: source
1.5 °C Compability Assessment comments