The Net Zero Initiative framework
1.5 °C Compatibility Assessment of tools/initiatives
Description comments
What the assessment is meant to be used for
6. Market/user information: The framework is designed to help users to describe and organize their climate action source
7. PR/Branding/Offsetting: The framework is designed to help users to describe and organize their climate action source
Scope of assessment
7. Conducting solution assessments is not a focus: Although avoided emissions is one of the base distictions used to categorize work in relation to GHG emissions, there is no focus to direct conduct assessments source
Stakeholder focus
1. Large companies: Generally focused at the private sector source
2. SMEs/Start-ups: Generally focused at the private sector source
Assessment activities
1. Developing Principles (Offering high-level standards to begin to align stakholders: The main focus is identified as enabling common language and for companies to embrace the principles developed within the framework source
Time horizon
1. now: No focus on a specific year has been identified. As such it is assumed that they focus on existing solutions and sectors
Assessment unit
3. Individual companies/start-ups: The goal of the framwork is to allign the general approach and principles in relation to reducing emissions within the private sector source
4. Clusters of companies/enablers: The goal of the framwork is to allign the general approach and principles in relation to reducing emissions within the private sector source
Solution areas
1. Technical: Although not clearly stated, technological solutions is understood to be within the scope of the framework
1.5 C Pathway Focus
2. P2: Focus is on reducing Scope 1-3 emissions and enabling negative emissions, with no identified solution agenda. Although it has not been identified how much each part should contribute or where the main focus should be, the general approach alligns with IPCC pathway 1-3 source
3. P3: Focus is on reducing Scope 1-3 emissions and enabling negative emissions, with no identified solution agenda. Although it has not been identified how much each part should contribute or where the main focus should be, the general approach alligns with IPCC pathway 1-3 source
4. P4: Focus is on reducing Scope 1-3 emissions and enabling negative emissions, with no identified solution agenda. Although it has not been identified how much each part should contribute or where the main focus should be, the general approach alligns with IPCC pathway 1-3 source
Scale of operations
1. Number of impact assessments:
2. Total avoided emissions:
3. Total number 1.5C compatible assessments:
4 .Number of users: "In 2021-2022, Net Zero Initiative collaborated with over 40 climate change organisations to co-construct the " 10 NZI Principles for an Ambitious Corporate Climate Strategy "." source
1.5 °C Compability Assessment comments
1. Help establish a dynamic solution perspective: Focus on reduction of emissions
6. Solutions have Synergies with other sustainability goals: Strong focus on reductions, but likely compatible with some SDG goals
8. Aligned with Mission Innovations Net-Zero Innovation Compatibility Initative: Examples of alignment include global focus rather than specific companies, and that sustainability work does not only include technological progress but should also target related fields like finance and marketing
4. Only including technology innovations: The framework is not limited to technological solutions
6. Only Focus on Problems rather than Human Needs: Main focus is reduction and 'reaching' net-zero rather than focusing the potential of solutions
9. No filter to support sustainable solutions for an equitable world with 11 billion: No filter has been identified
10. Limiting focus to existing/traditional sectors11. Lack of implementation in global south/no focus on 11 Billion with equity encouragement: Some outspoken global focus but no detailed related to focus on specific parts of the world has been identified
11. No focus on clustering of solutions: Assuming the companies that are connected to the framework has some collaboration, there may be some clustering, otherwise no active clustering has been identified